






【哎对对对就是这个人,脸皮贼厚,一点都不懂韬光养晦……(•̀へ •́ ╮ )
    好好好,写完这篇就退隐山林卧薪尝胆………( ¯ ¨̯ ¯̥̥ )】



信任半径 radius of trust

社会功能紊乱/越轨/病态/错置 social dysfunction/deviance/pathology/efficacy

社会建制 social institutions

社会规范/规则/规章/秩序/习俗惯例 social norms/rules/regulations/orders/conventions

社群/群体/组织 community/group/organization

社会异质性 social heterogeneity

经济基础决定上层建筑。The economic base determines the superstructure.

人口结构 demographic structure

人口老龄化 ageing of population

流动人口 floating population(绝对/相对数量 absolute/relative number)

更替生育率 replacement momentum

核心家庭 nuclear family(大家庭 extended family)

公民离散 civic disengagement

道德微型化 moral miniaturization 道德危机 moral hazard

独立第三方 independent third-party

自我报告道德行为 self-reported ethical behavior

信息爆炸 information explosion

职业道德 professional ethics

从众 conformity

心理暗示/心理作用 psychological hint/effection

个人崇拜 personality cult

愤青 young cynic

经济全球化 economic globalization

文化多元化 cultural pluralism

多元决定 massively overdetermined

专才/通才 specialist/generalist

人力资源 human resources(HR)

选择性亲和 elective affinities

(Jane Jacobs)“街头之眼”  eyes on the street

(Alexis de Tocqueville)“结社的艺术” art of association



普世价值 universal value

辩证统一 dialectical unity(割裂(关系)isolate)

主观能动性 subjective initiative/conscious activity

本末倒置 put the cart before the horse

自然选择 natural selection(适者生存 survival of the fittest)

同质的 homogenous(使同质 homogenize) 同性质的 homogeneous(趋同 advolution/convergence)

实践是检验真理的唯一标准。 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.



正/负外部性 positive/negative externality

知识经济 knowledge-based economy

交易成本 transaction costs

效用最大化 utility maximization

市场定位 market positioning

市场空白 market gaps

市场垄断 monopolize(monopoly)

通货膨胀 currency inflation

供求 supply and demand

国内生产总值 gross domestic product(GDP)

恩格尔系数Engel coefficient

基尼系数 Gink coefficient

产业结构(转变/升级) industrial structure (change/upgrading)

城市化 urbanization

去工业化 deindustrialization



信息不对称 information asymmetry

民主(化) democratization/democratize

乌合之众 rabble

连任 re-election/reappointment

世袭制 hereditary system

终身制 lifelong tenure

舆论监督 supervision by pubic opinion

白领犯罪 white-collar crime

国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOE) (私有企业 private enterprise)

非政府组织 non-governmental organization(NGO)

专制统治 tyranny/autocracy/dictatorship/despotic(极权政府 totalitarian government)

精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress/develop socialist culture and ethics

习惯法 common law 成文法 civil code判例法 case law(判例 judicial precedents)

三权分立 tripartite political system

联邦政治 federalism

反腐 anti-corruption

民主党/共和党 the Democratic/Republican Party (of the United States)

我党 the Communist Party (CPC)



量子化学 quantum chemistry

量子力学 quantum mechanics

相对论 the theory of relativity/relativity theory

物种起源 origin of species

自动化/智能化 automatization/intelligentialize(人性化(的) hommization(humanized))

日心说/地心说 heliocentric/geocentric theory



强词夺理 begging the question

无关问题 red herring

无法推出 non sequitur

一面之词 stacked evidence

虚假困境 false either-or dilemma

在此之后因此之故 post hoc (correlation concurrence mistaken for causation)

仓促概括 hasty generalization

人身攻击 ad hominem

道德连坐 guilt by association

自搭斜坡 slippery slope

转移话题 extension

偷换概念 inconsistent connotation/denotation

利用从众 bandwagon appeal

虚假需求 false needs

待定假设 problematic assumption



水门事件 Watergate scandal

工业革命 Industrial Revolution

光荣革命 Glorious Revolution(权利法案 the Bill of Rights)

南北战争 American Civil War

金融危机 financial crisis

五四运动 the May 4th Movement

文_革 the Great Culture Revolution



资本主义 capitalism

社会主义 socialism

共产主义 communism

自由主义 liberalism

空想主义 micawberism

个人主义 individualism

家族主义 familism

功利主义 utilitarianism

实利主义 materialism

实用主义 pragmatism

相对主义 relativism

享乐主义 hedonism

利他主义 altruism

利己主义 egoism

反战主义 pacifism

西方中心主义 Westcentrism



黑格尔 Hegel

叔本华 Schopenhauer

尼采 Nietzsche

萨德 Satter

杜威 Dewey

弗洛伊德 Freud

霍布斯 Hobbes

托克维尔 Tocqueville

马丁路德(金) Martin Luther (king)

丘吉尔 Churchill

尼克松 Nixon

林肯 Abraham Lincoln(Lincoln的一句名言个人感觉在AW里很好用,在这里也推荐一下:”When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to it are also lawful and obligatory.”)



基督教 Christianity(Christian)(科隆教堂 Kolner Dom 哥特式 Gothic)

伊斯兰教 Islam/Muslin(Islamism/Islamite/Mahometan/Moslem)

佛教 Buddhism(Buddhist)

自由宣言 The Declaration of Independence (也顺带推荐下里面最有名的一句:”All man are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Right, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”)

锈带地区 Rust Belt







许卓然要为今天中午东苑二食堂的茭白疯狂打小报告!太难吃了噜!生气!!!ʕノ•ﻌ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻

